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Der Starkult ist Architektinnen weitestgehend fremd. Symposium zur Ausstellung ‚Frau Architekt'. md-mag.com

Architektinnen heute

Was sind eigentlich die aktuellen weiblichen Architekturpositionen? Gibt es die überhaupt? Ein zweitägiges Symposium im DAM in Frankfurt widmet sich diesen Fragen.

Begleitend zur Ausstellung ‚Frau Architekt. Seit mehr als 100 Jahren: Frauen im Architektenberuf‘ im DAM findet am 2. und 3. November 2017 das zweitägige Symposium ‚Jeanne d‘Arch‘ statt, bei dem über fünf Aspekte des Berufsfeldes aus Sicht von Architektinnen diskutiert wird: Material – Partizipation – Lehre – Vorbilder – Ausstellungen. Das Symposium widmet sich den Fragen: Was sind eigentlich die aktuellen weiblichen Architekturpositionen? Gibt es die überhaupt? Mit welchen Themen beschäftigen sich Architektinnen heute?

Der Starkult der männlichen Kollegen ist Architektinnen weitestgehend fremd. „Es geht uns weniger darum, die nächste coole Sache zu machen, sondern um den Zweck und den Menschen. Wir bauen keine Monumente für unser Ego“, sagt Susan Rodriguez, Architektin in New York.

Neben Rodriguez konnten weitere zehn herausragende, internationale Architektinnen gewonnen werden am Symposium teilzunehmen – es wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten – und ihre Sicht auf die weibliche Architekturposition darzustellen. Gibt es überhaupt eine weibliche Position?

Weitere Teilnehmerinnen sind: Verena von Beckerath, Kristin Feireiss, Anna Heringer, Fabienne Hoelzel, Susanne Hofmann, Eva Kail, Claudia Pasquero, Anna Ramos und Deborah Saunt.

Kuratorin der Veranstaltung ist Julia Hinderink.

Symposium Jeanne d‘Arch

2. und 3. November 2017

Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM

Schaumainkai 43, 60596 Frankfurt am Main

Anmeldung unter frau.architekt@stadt-frankfurt.de

Eintritt 50 €, für Studenten 25 €

Die Ausstellung ‚Frau Architekt. Seit mehr als 100 Jahren: Frauen im Architektenberuf‘ läuft bis zum 8. März 2018


Symposium Jeanne d‘Arch

“We’re less interested in making the next cool thing and more in the purpose and the people. We don’t build monuments to our egos,” says Susan Rodriguez, architect in New York.

Women tend to shun the masculine star cult. The most famous female architect of them all, and she brilliantly played along with this, was British-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, who died before her time in 2015. One more reason to ask what current female architectural positions are? Do they even exist? What topics interest women architects today? We have invited 11 outstanding women architects to take part in the Jeanne D’ARCH symposium and debate five different aspects of the profession: Materials, Participation, Teaching, Role Models and Exhibitions.

Materials research as the starting point – can lead to trailblazing ecological approaches being transferred from biology into architecture, as Claudia Pasquero / Ecologic Studio shows. And a coherent focus on clay as a building material is also gaining in importance. Anna Heringer has not only managed to put clay buildings firmly back on the agenda, but with her projects has also had many a success in fostering a sense of community.

The ecological economic and social challenges that architecture and urban planning have to face today call for transdisciplinary methods and outstanding team players if the solutions are to endure. Inclusive and intuitive forms of communication are indispensable if we are to create the space for large groups and foreign cultures, and manage construction processes accordingly. Two specialists in Participation, Susanne Hofmann and Fabienne Hoelzel, shed light on the topic from a German and from a Nigerian perspective.

The special “soft skills” required to implement participatory projects are not taught in traditional Architecture courses. So what should architecture and urban planning curricula ideally look like today? This will be debated by Verena von Beckenrath and Deborah Saunt, co-founder of the London School of Architecture, which originated in a think tank for new models for architectural courses and is renowned for its innovative approaches and methods. Odile Deqc has crowned a long career by founding her own architectural college, the Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Strategies in Architecture in Lyon, France.

So do we need new architectural schools? How does the focus of the curricula shift and how do the latter differ from traditional courses of study? How do teaching, professional life and architecture Exhibitions dovetail? The new Director of the Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Anna Ramos, is responsible not only for the curatorial program for the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, but also for the organization and future of the Mies van der Rohe Award, the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Architectural exhibitions and prizes are always a way of taking stock and addressing new currents in the discipline. Which are prize- worthy and then receive the highest architectural accolade of them all, the Pritzker Prize, is something that Kristin Feireiss helps decide.
Zaha Hadid was the first woman to win this cherished distinction and she became a role model for many women architects. What Role Models do we have today, and what do they stand for?

The “Jeanne D’ARCH” symposium will be curated by Julia Hinderink and will take place from Nov. 2-3, 2017 at Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM, Schaumainkai 43 in Frankfurt on the occasion of the exhibition “Frau_Architekt. Over 100 years of women in architecture”
(Sept. 30, 2017 – March 8, 2018)

Verena von Beckerath, Kristin Feireiss, Anna Heringer, Fabienne Hoelzel, Susanne Hofmann, Eva Kail, Claudia Pasquero, Anna Ramos, Deborah Saunt


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