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Clear Stance

Clear Stance

■ Almost all meetings last long, often longer than one had hoped for. You will then be grateful if you can sit down on a comfortable chair. ‚Clint‘ is such a chair. The manufacturer recommends it for conference rooms, meeting areas and executive offices but also for the dining table. The chair range is offered with various shells and frames and doesn’t need to pose. It is based on Scandinavian-style furniture tradition and characterised by a kind of tidied-up sobriety. The user perceives the relatively thin padding that shrouds the one-piece shell on all sides as comfortably tight. Shown here is the armchair variant with four-star base of flat-steel sections on a centre column whose reset mechanism keeps things in order. All metal parts are high-gloss chrome-plated.


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Titelbild md 03-04
03-04.2024 kaufen

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